Saturday, November 3, 2012


November has always seemed to be the season for thankfulness.  Fall is in the air, families are going on hay rides and carving pumpkins, people are preparing their Thanksgiving menus, and the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is starting up.  The trend this year is to list 30 things one is thankful for, one for each day of the month of November.  I'm not sure I will be able to keep up with all 30 days, although my goal is to try!

November 1:
I am thankful for the terrible twos! My son is incredibly active, opinionated, independent, and strong willed.  While it can be exhausting (most of the time), this is such a fun stage as his vocabulary is increasing by leaps and bounds, he actually plays with his toys, and can sit for multiple stories.

November 2:
I am thankful for my job.  I recently graduated in May 2012 with my second master's and was somewhat anxious about the job market and how long it would take me to find employment.  I am currently working as a social worker with an amazing team of co-workers and loving every day!

November 3:
I am thankful for my fellow military spouses.  Each one of us comes from a different location, different background, different lifestyles....but we band together through trainings, deployments, and PCS's. We forge strong friendships that withstand time distances and can call each other any time of the day or night.

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